Nike Savvas
Nike Savvas Under a White Sky
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 2003
Group Show, All Stars
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 2000
Nike Savvas Let it roll
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 1999
Group Show, Every other day
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 1998
Born 1964, Sydney, Australia lives in London
Associate Research Student, Goldsmiths College (University of London)
Master of Fine Arts (honours), College of Fine Arts (University of New South Wales)
Graduate Diploma of Education, Sydney University
Graduate Diploma in Visual Arts, Sydney College of the Arts (University of Sydney)
Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts), Sydney College of the Arts
Atomic: Full of Love, Full of Wonder, curator Juliana Engberg, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, Australia
A Handful of Air, the Apartment, Athens
Under A White Sky, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney
Magic Master, Centenary Gallery, Camberwell College of Arts, London
Pen & Paper, Tafros Davilla, Nicosia, Cyprus
Bordello Red, Groucho Club, Wigmore Fine Art, London
Anthem, Artspace, Sydney
Die Weisse Gallery, Cologne
Something Sparkly, Site Gallery, Düsseldorf
Glam Genie, Site-specific commission, Selfridges Department Store, London
Let it Roll, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney
Nike Savvas - New Work, Jensen Gallery, Auckland
Divisional Sampling, Site-specific commission, Selfridges Department Store, London
My Name is Savvas, Diaspro Art Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus
Nike Savvas - New Work, Wigmore Fine Art, London
Colourful Language, Galerie Y-Burg, Vrieshuis Amerika, Amsterdam
Nike Savvas - New Work, Luxus Gallery, Den Haag, Amsterdam
Untitled 1998 (Sparkly); Solo x 9: Artists in Clerkenwell, Berry House, London (Wigmore Fine Art/EC Art initiative)
Ten Blue Bubbles, CBD Gallery, Sydney
Blue Division, Goldsmiths College, London
Simple Division, Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
Onement One, CBD Gallery, Sydney
Fuzzy Logic (collaboration with Stephen Little), Artspace, Sydney
Bridget and Georges, Roslyn Oxley 9 Gallery, Sydney
nice bubbles II, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns
Head Boy, CBD Gallery, Sydney
Untitled 1994, College of Fine Arts, Sydney
Round, CBD Gallery, Sydney
nice bubbles, 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne
Untitled 1992, 24 Hour Art, Darwin
Communique, Canberra Contemporary Artspace, Canberra
Communique, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane
Icthyoid (collaboration with Nicole Mather), Performance Space, Sydney
Alternative Endings, First Draft West, Sydney
Summer Daze, Auckland City Art Gallery, Auckland
15 Years of Urban Art Projects, QUT Art Museum, Brisbane
Dream Idea Machine Off, Mommy Art Projects Athens
Artist Makes Video, Art Rage Survey 1994-1998, Griffith University, Queensland College of Art, Brisbane
Paranoia, Freud Museum, London
Salon 2007: New British Painting and Works on Paper, Art Work Productions, London
Adventures with form in space, Balnaves Foundation Sculpture Project, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Wild gift: a show of live art, Ada Street Gallery, Great Eastern Hotel, Rio Cinema Theatre Museum, London, England
Paranoia, Leeds City Gallery, Freud Museum and toured the UK
SpelOUT, Spell Building (site for new Museum of Contemporary Art), Nicosia, Cyprus, Greece
We Are Australian Too: Women Against Racism, curated by Nicholas Tsoutas, Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, Casula
Architectural Transparencies, Iliana Dounta Contemporary Art Centre, Athens
A Million Suns, with Stephen Little, Artspace, Sydney, Australia (July 2005) and RMIT Gallery, September - November 2005
Atomic: Full of Love, Full of Wonder, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Southbank, Victoria (May-July 2005)
The Samstag Effect, curated by Ross Wolfe, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia (Feb-Apr 2005)
11th Indian Triennale, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi, India
Visual Music (forthcoming exhibition, Feb - May 2005), Museum of Contemporary Art, California
The Samstag Effect, curated by Ross Wolfe, Art Museum, University of South Australia (Nov-Dec 2004)
Kingdom, curated by Patricia Ellis, Market Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland
Kindle and Swag: The Samstag Effect, Works by selected Samstag scholars, University of South Australia Art Museum, Adelaide
What ever happened to Minimalism?, curated by Brian Thompson, SCA Gallery, Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney, Sydney
East International 2003, Norwich Gallery, Norwich, UK
15/1 (2), 1,000,000 miles per hour, London
Images of Desire 3, The Fields Gallery, Winston Art Hotel, Amsterdam
Red Light District - Images of Desire 2, The Fields1 Gallery, Winston Art Hotel, Amsterdam
A Silver Lining and A New Beginning, Ivan Dougherty Gallery Sydney
Six, Australia House, London
All Stars 2000, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney
Out of the Ordinary, Auckland Art Gallery, New Zealand
Nike Savvas / Mary Lou Pavlovic, Conny Dietzschold Australian Contemporary Art Projects, Cologne
Not Quite Right, Grey Matter Contemporary Art, Sydney
Clair Joy, Nike Savvas, Clare Stent, Alex Fontoura, Cubitt Gallery, London
The Organic and the Artificial: reinventing modernist design, Plimsoll Gallery Hobart, University Gallery Launceston, Yr. 2000 Perth Institute of Contemporary Art WA, Flinders Museum of Art Gallery, Adelaide, Riddoch Art Gallery, SA Burra Art Gallery, SA, Port Pirrie Art Gallery, SA, Yr. 2001 Craft Queensland, Brisbane, Tamworth Regional Gallery, CfCC - Object Galleries Sydney
Accessory, Gallery 4A, Sydney
John Armleder, Nike Savvas, Jim Speers, Andrew Jensen Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
Velocity, Newspace Gallery, Sydney
Newspace Fundraiser, Newspace Gallery, Sydney
Basel Art Fair 1999, Basel, Switzerland
New Contemporaries, Tea Factory Liverpool, Camden Arts Centre (London), and Hatton Gallery (Newcastle)
The Bible of Networking, Konstakuten Gallery, Stockholm
Primavera 1998, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
Every Other Day, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney
Moët & Chandon: New South Wales Regional Tour of Selected Works, Campbelltown City Art Gallery, Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Lismore Regional Art, Wagga Wagga City Art Gallery
After the Masters, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Sydney
Moët & Chandon Touring Exhibition, Queensland Art Gallery (Brisbane), National
Gallery of Victoria (Melbourne), Art Gallery of Western Australia (Perth), Art Gallery
of New South Wales (Sydney), Art Gallery of South Australia (Adelaide)
Drift, The Lewers Bequest, Penrith Regional Gallery, Wollongong City Gallery, Wagga Wagga City Art Gallery
Residence II, 10/52 Commercial Road, London E1
Underworld 2, 10/52 Commercial Road, London E1
Underworld, 10/52 Commercial Road, London E1
Seven Artists in Residence, Barcelona Art Rooms, Barcelona
50 Quid Sale, Goldsmiths College Fundraiser, London
Looking at Seeing and Dreaming, First Floor, Melbourne
Goldsmiths College MA Exhibition, Goldsmiths College, London
Transformers, Auckland Art Gallery; Dunnedin Public Gallery and Wellington Art Gallery, New Zealand
Looking at Seeing and Dreaming, Sherman Galleries (Goodhope), Sydney
Nostalgic, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne
Monash University Art Prize, Monash University, Melbourne
Hong Kong - Sydney, Fringe Club Gallery, Hong Kong
s - Occupied Space Artspace, Sydney
Artrage Canberra Contemporary Artspace (Canberra), 24 Hour Art (Darwin), IMA (Brisbane), Artspace (Sydney)
Already Self-Portrait, Artspace, Sydney
Critique, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane; Perth Institute of Contemporary Art; regional gallery tour
600,000 Hours (Mortality) EAF, Adelaide
Coexistence, Artspace, Sydney
Bet Your Life, Annandale Galleries, Sydney
House, 4 Gerribrand Street Campbell, Canberra
Critique, First Draft, Sydney
Re-placing Australian Painting, Teststrip Gallery and Rossini's Restaurant, Auckland, New Zealand
Australian Perspecta, Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney
Luminaries, Sculpture Triennial, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne
Rad Scunge, Karyn Lovegrove Gallery, Melbourne
Shirthead, Mori Annexe, Sydney
Op. Art, Ars Multiplicata, Sydney
Artworkz Four 101 Collins Street, Acquisitive Prize, Gallery 101, Melbourne
Comments on The Society of the Spectacle, Window Gallery, Sydney
Inherent Identity, Performance Space, Sydney
Second Language, IMA, Brisbane
Body Without Organs, First Draft West, Sydney
Between Cultures, Gallery 77, Sydney
1985 - 1991, First Draft West, Sydney
Post-Graduate Exhibition, Sydney College of the Arts, Sydney
Mist from the Chest, AGLASSOFWATER, Brisbane
Abstract Papers, First Draft West, Sydney
No, Milburn + Arte Gallery, Brisbane
Self-Raising, First Draft West, Sydney
Prelude to the End of the Millennium, Sylvester Studios, Sydney
First Sight, First Draft, Sydney
Origins and Identity, Bondi Pavilion Gallery, Sydney
Passion, Sylvester Studio, Sydney
89 Degrees on the Water, Pier 2, Sydney
Daniel Palmer, Looking Back : Best Theme Shows 2006, Frieze, Jan-Feb 2007 p.132
Andrew Graham Dixon, `Carefully Deranged', Sunday Telegraph (Seven Magazine) p 24, 21/01/07
Peter Conrad, `Paranoid? This lot really ought to be', The Observer review p18, 28/01/07
`The World in Pixels' HELLO Magazine, 29/08/06
Atomic: Full of love, full of wonder, Daily Times, Pakistan 19/08/06
Tracey Clement, Adventures with Form and Space, Sydney Morning Herald 18/8/06
`Atomic: Full of love, full of wonder', The Seattle Times Photos of the day.
Simon Ferguson, `Non-elitist art means everyone can have a ball', The Daily
Telegraph 4/8/06
Rosalie Higson, `Homesick artist makes her point many times', The Australian
Bright Spots, Metro UK 04/08/06
Art that shimmers like the outback, The Independent UK , 04/08/06
The day in pics: August 3, The Times of India, 3/8/06
Week in pictures: 29 July-4 August BBC News
Image of the day The Times UK, 04/04/06
Atomix: full of love full of wonder The Guardian , 04/04/06
Natasha Adamou, `Transparency and Awkwardness', The Athens Contemporary Review, Issue 3 April 2006
PARANOIA Alfred Hickling, The Guardian 05/07/06
Jacqueline Millner, `Review of Adventures with Form in Space: The Fourth Balnaves Foundation Sculpture Project', Eyeline, no. 62, Summer 2006/2007, p. 62
Dougal Phillips, Review of `Adventures in Form and Space, Balnaves Foundation Sculpture Project 2006', Art and Australia, Vol. 44, No. 2, Summer 2006, p. 280
Sebastian Smee, `dot complimentary', The Weekend Australian, September 9 - 10, 2006, pp. 18 - 19
John Mc Donald, `Lights, action, entertainment', Review of Adventures with Form in Space: The Fourth Balnaves Foundation Sculpture Project, in Spectrum, The Sydney Morning Herald, September 9-10, 2006, pp. 16-17
Rosalie Higson, `Homesick artist makes her point many times', The Arts, The Australian, August 4, 2006
Sunandah Creagh, `Life is full of wonder… but balls are essential', Arts, The Sydney Morning Herald, August 4, 2006-08-08
Fiona Prior, `Balnaves Sculpture Project 2006',
Gillian Serisier, `Deutsche Bank', (inside) australian design review, Issue 41, 2006 pp. 92 - 97
Paranoia exhibition catalogue, Paranoia Publishing, London 2006
Daniel Palmer, `Looking Back: Best Solo Shows 2005', Frieze, no. 96, Jan-Feb, 2006, p. 120
Nike Savvas and Wolfgang Laib at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, Rachel Jessie-Rae O'Connor, Art Monthly Australia no.183 September 2005
Megan Blackhouse, `The ball's in her court', The Age, June 18, 2005
Jarrod Rawlins, `Nike Savvas, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art', Reviews, Flash Art, no. 244, October 2005
Christopher Knight, `What Colour is Music?' ART REVIEW LA Times 22.02.05
Ari Wiseman, Expanding the Synaesthetic Paradigm Visual Music Synaesthesia in Art and Music Since 1900 Thames and Hudson NY 2005
Andrew Wessels, `Pollock rates second to `Visual' Daily Trojan 25.03.05
Polly Lyssiotis, `Triennale of India 2005', Cyprus Today vol `xlii no. 1 Jan-March,
Olivia Mattis, exhibition catalogue for Visual Music, Museum of Contemporary Art, California
Rachel Jessie- Rae O'Connor, “Nike Savvas and Wolfgang Laib at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art”, Art Monthly Australia, No 183. September 2005.
P. 6-8.
Juliana Engberg, Atomic: full of love,full of wonder catalogue essay 2005
Ben Swinnerton `Artist has balls and isn't scared to turn up the heat' MX News 25.5.05
Neos Kosmos `Installation Artist returns' Melbourne 3.03.05
Tina Bambali, `Cyprus participation in the 11th Biennale', Phileleftheros Jan 26 2005
Harbant Gill, “Great Balls of Desire”, Herald-Sun 27-5-2005
Jo Roberts, “On the Ball in Global Art” The Age. May 27, 2005. p. 5
Megan Backhouse, “The Balls in her Court”,review. The Age. June 8, 2005. p. 7
Bridget Currie, Review: “Kindle and Swag:The Samstag Effect”, eyeline, No. 56, Summer 04-05, pg 46
Artists' new works a fitting finale Wendy Walker The Advertiser, 30/11/04
The glittering prize Peter Hill Sydney Morning Herald 13-14/11/2004
Nike Savvas Ben Curnow The Samstag Effect Uni of SA Art Museum 2004
The Samstag Effect Ross Wolfe Uni of SA Art Museum 2004
Meet the Samstags Daniel Thomas Art and Australia vol.42 no. 4 2005
A Fragile Sway of Glass Swans Vincent Ciccarello The Independent Weekly 31 Oct - 6 Nov 2004
Salon for Short Films Sheffield Telegraph Feb 6 2004
Anne Loxley, “Awakening to death in the weighty intrigue of sleep,” Sydney Morning Herald (Metropolitan) Tuesday, August 24 2003, p. 14
Interview with Nike Savvas Stathis Panagoulis & George Vamvakidis Time Out Athens Sept. 2003
A Handful of Air Stathis Panagoulis Time Out Athens Sept 2003
Nike Savvas Yorgos Karouzakis Ozone issue 19 Oct 2003
A Handful of Air :Nike Savvas at the Apartment Despina Zefkili Athinorama 23-30 Oct. 2003
Sotiris Kyriacou, `East International', Contemporary Magazine, issue 56, 2003
Sally O'Reilly, `15/1', Art Monthly UK, no. 269, September 2003 p. 32
Dan Smith, `East International', Art Monthly UK, September 2003, no. 269, p. 29-30
Serap Destegul, In The Line of Fire, (Letters), ArtReview UK, November 2002, Vol LIII, p. 8
Meredith Etherington-Smith, Editor's Letter, ArtReview UK, December/January 2002, Vol. LII, p. 4
Glyn Hughes, Balloons go up for Art Downunder, The Cyprus Weekly,
p. 19 - 25, 2001
Tobika Yeyonota, Postponement of Event, Phileleftheros Newspaper, Cyprus, Oct. 19, 2001
Balloons with Messages to Turkish Cypriots, Aurupa Newspaper, Cyprus, Oct. 17
Balloons for Peace, Simerini Newspaper, Cyprus, Oct. 16
Event for Peace, Maraughi Newspaper, Cyprus, Oct. 16
Balloons with Messages to Turkish Cypriots, Mahi Newspaper, Cyprus, Oct. 16
Tobika Yeyonota, Messages of Peace with 1000's of Balloons, Phileleftheros Newspaper, Cyprus, Oct. 16
Different Strokes, TNT, 19 February, Issue 912, p. 24, London
Saacha Jones, Nike Savvas: Anthem, Eyeline 44, Summer 2000-2001
Louisa Buck, Moving Targets 2 - A User's Guide to British Art, Tate Publishing, 2000, p. 211, 212
Courtney Kidd, Flesh for a braveheart, Sydney Morning Herald, Sept. 27
Scott Hannaford, Shining Sculpture enlivens Palm Court ceiling, Canberra
Times, 9 February
Karina Smith, Scintillation, The Chronicle, 15 February
Stephen O'Connell, Nike Savvas: Let it Roll, Like Art Magazine, No. 10, Summer
Louisa Buck, Art to refresh tired shoppers, The Art Newspaper, London, No. 92, May
Andrew Frost, Real Abstract, Monument Magazine, No. 31, August/September
Anastasios M.Tamis, Demetrios Tsolakis, The History of Greeks of Canberra and Districts, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 1999
Andrew G. Frost, Australia's 50 Most Collectable Artists, Australian Art Collector #7, January-March
Bruce James, Let it Roll, Sydney Morning Herald, 18 June
Georgina Safe Sparks fly when two arts beat as one, The Australian, 3 May, p.5
Sebastian Smee, This Goes With That, The Sydney Morning Herald, 11 May, p.11
Jane Bown, Take one mad woman, hundreds of polystyrene balls and several dozen eggs. Mix thoroughly and stand well back, The Observer Review, August 30
Stephanie Britton, The Samstag Accelerator Effect, Artlink, Vol. 18 No. 4
New kids explore old angst, The Times, August 18
Brian Sewell, How dare they spend our cash on this, Evening Standard, August 13
New Contemporaries Northern Exposure Magazine, September 3
Sue Williams, Young at Art, Elle, October
Bruce James, The shows that time forgot, The Sydney Morning Herald, September 19
Ben Genocchio, Emerging style outstrips whole, The Australian, September 18
Sebastian Smee, Well hung, privately, The Sydney Morning Herald, September 29
Ben Curnow, Primavera catalogue introduction, September
Glyn Hughes, My Name is Savvas, (Exhib. Introduction), Cyprus Weekly, Cyprus, Jan 19
Ebinelia Stella, Nike Savvas: My Name is Savvas, (review), To Beriothiko, Magazine, Cyprus, Jan 9th
Costa Costantinou, My Name is Savvas, (review), Selides Magazine, Cyprus, Jan 9th
Marina Skiza, My Name is Savvas, (review), Ikade Magazine, Cyprus, Jan 11th, 1998, p.6.
Glyn Hughes, Nike Savvas: My Name is Savvas, (review) Cyprus Weekly, Cyprus, Jan 16, p.6.
After the Masters, Exhibition catalogue, April
David Barrett, Rob Kesseler/Nike Savvas, (review), Art Monthly(British), May
Solo x 9: Artists in Clerkenwell, Exhibition catalogue
Solo x 9: Artists in Clerkenwell, Contemporary Visual Arts Magazine (Preview), Issue 19
Celso Fioravante, Solo x 9: Artists in Clerkenwell, Folha Ilustrada, 24 July
David Burrows, New Contemporaries (British) Art Monthly, September
New Contemporaries 1998, Exhibition catalogue, London 1998
John Nixon ed., Material no 6, March 1998 (Sydney)
Jaqueline Miller, Drift, Art and Australia, Vol 35 no. 4 1998
Anna Clabburn, In Between and Beyond: Irony and art of the Present, Moët & Chandon Touring Exhibition Catalogue
Gene Autry, A bit of froth and bubble, Art Monthly, No. 98, April
Benjamin Genocchio and Melissa Chiu, Drift, exhibition catalogue
Goldsmiths MA Fine Art 1997, Exhibition Catalogue, London
Adam Geczy, No Actual Basis, Art Monthly, No. 103, September
Art Rooms, El Pais de las Tentaciones, listing review, Spain
Art Rooms, 7 artists en residencia, Jaume Vidal 19/9/97 El Pais de las Tentaciones, Spain
Nick Smith, Movement, Colour and Light, NZ Herald, Thursday 18 April
Andrew Bogle, Transformers, catalogue, Auckland Art Gallery, April
Nike Savvas: An Interview with Melissa Chiu, Artitude 10 March - May
Andrew Bogle Simple Division, exhibition catalogue, Auckland Art Gallery, April
Richard Dunn, Looking at Seeing and Dreaming, exhibition catalogue, February
Nick Smith, Movement, Colour, Light, NZ Herald, 18 April
Anna Johnson, Art Beat, Sydney Morning Herald, Friday 3 March
Zara Stanhope, Nostalgic, exhibition catalogue, May
Lye Masterpiece and Magic Mirrors, Keith Stuart review, Sunday Star Times, 5 May
T.J. McNamara, Toying with Technology, Wednesday Arts, Perspective on Arts
Simon Robinson, Art that Quicker than the Eye, Time International, vol 147 no. 23, June 3, 1996
Giles Auty, Added Dimension, Weekend Australian, July 20-21
Peter Hill, New Zealand does it Better, Art Monthly, Nov 1996
Melissa Chiu, Nike Savvas, Art Documentary Editions, Sydney
Z International Art, No. 2 (Editor John Nixon), Sydney
Peter Hill, Render Benders, The Bulletin, Sept 10, 1996
Rex Butler ed., What is Appropriation?, IMA, Brisbane and Power Publications, Sydney 1996
Melissa Chiu Ts, Nike Savvas, Occupied Space, exhibition catalogue
David Broker, 600,000 Hours (mortality) Art and Text, No. 50, January
Melissa Chiu, Nike Savvas: Round Eyeline, No. 27
DIVA (Digital Images for the Visual Arts) Project, Internet, Visual Arts Library, Monash University
Richard Grayson Death, what is thy thing? 1,799 of 600,000 hours (mortality). Papers and Documents, EAF, Adelaide
Marina Mueke, Blowing Bubbles, Cairns Post, Friday 25 August
Marina Muecke, Nice bubbles, Barfly, 31 August
Natalie King, Décor, Art and Australia, Vol 33 no. 2 Summer
Peter Cochrane, Savvas packs for London, Sydney Morning Herald, Friday, 1 December
Graham Forsyth, Standard Deviations Australian Perspecta 93, Art and Text, Vol 47, January
Ben Curnow, Coexistance, Art Monthly, May, No. 69
Melissa Chiu, Nice bubbles, exhibition catalogue, June
Australian Perspecta 1993, Antiques in NSW, February
Shaun Davies, Coexistence, Agenda No 37, July 1994.
Max Heinz, Arty Facts, The Place of Art in Design, AR Australia, Winter
600,000 hours Catalogue September
Ben Curnow, Formal Functions, Art and Text, No 49. September
John Neylon, Images of death. 600,000 hours (mortality) Artlink, Vol 14, No. 4 Summer
Sonia Barron, Nike Savvas: Communique, Canberra Times, 4 April
Jeff Gibson, Avante-Grunge, Art and Text, No. 45, May
Victoria Lynn, Australian Perspecta 93, Catalogue
George Alexander, Communique, Australian Perspecta: Catalogue
Joanna Mendelssohn, New Art Unmasked, Bulletin, 19 October
Nell Schofield, Art 2, Sydney Weekly, 5-11 October
Australian Perspecta, Press Release, Art Gallery of New South Wales
Sandra Warner, Australian Perspecta 1993, State of the Arts, issue 7, November
John Cavanah, Youthful Vigour in Perspecta, Business Review Weekly, 22 October
The Weird and the Wonderful, Look Magazine October 1993
Australian Perspecta 1993, Antiques in NSW, Feb 1994.
Jeff Gibson, Avante-Grunge, Art and Text No 45, May 1993.
Artworkz 4, catalogue
Peter Anderson, Art and Language at the IMA, Brisbane Review
Beth Jackson, Second Language, Art and Text, Summer
Pat Hoffie, Speaking in Tongues: Second Language, Eyeline, No. 18, Autumn
Colin Hood, OP Art, Photofile, No. 37, November
Anne Wallace, Communique, Eyeline No. 20, Summer
George Alexander, Nike Savvas: Communique, exhibition catalogue
Judy Kean, Nike Savvas Untitled 1992, exhibition catalogue, 24 Hour Art
Tony Haritos, Nike Savvas, Northern Territory News, June 12
Adam Geczy, Quantifying New Colours: Nike Savvas, Eyeline, No. 15, Winter
Brooke Picker, Ichthyoid, Culture Magazine, No. 26, 17 June
Untitled 1991, Eyeline, No. 14, Autumn
George Alexander, Inherent Identity, exhibition catalogue
Ichthyoid, Art & Text, September
George Michelakakis, Inherent Identity, Chronico Arts Culture
Between Cultures, exhibition catalogue
Eve Sullivan, Women on the Wharf, Art Monthly, October
Adam Geczy, First Sight, Eyeline, Autumn, No. 11
Sabrina Achilles, Origins and Identity, Eastern Herald, March
Ursula Szulakowska, Mist from the Chest, Art and Text, No. 37 September Christopher Allen, Alternative Endings, Sydney Morning Herald, 2 December
New Work Grant, Australia Council
Jury Prize 11th Triennale of India, Dehli
Collex Primavera Acquisitive Art Award
New Development Grant, Australia Council
New Development Grant, Australia Council
New Development Grant, Australia Council
The Anne and Gordon Samstag International Visual Arts Scholarship
Pat Corrigan Artists Grant
Pat Corrigan Artists Grant
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
The British Library
The Tate Gallery Library
Artist Multiples Collection - Chelsea College of Art and Design
The Royal College of Art Print Archive
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
Auckland Art Gallery, New Zealand
Griffith University, Brisbane
Federal Archive, Canberra
PriceWaterhouse Coopers
Artbank Australia
Private collections, nationally and internationally
Cascade and Transcendental, Deutsche Bank, Sydney
Scintillation, Woden Plaza, Canberra
Glam Genie, Selfridges, London
Archive, Federal Archive, Canberra
BBC Radio, London Live, January 21
Arts Today - Radio National, Connecting Flights Pt.5, with Bruce James & George Alexander, 20 April, 2001
RIK Radio, Politistiko Psifithodo Nicosia, Aug. 17
Ten News, ACT, February 9
Prime Television, ACT, February 9
CyBC Rik 2 Radio broadcast, Jan 13, Cyprus
Merra Mesimerri - Bolitisikos Fakelos (Midday - Political File) Antenae
T.V. Jan 16, Cyprus
Banta Tehni Esti (Art Forever), Rik 2, NationalT.V. Network, Jan 19, Cyprus
Kalimerra Kibros (Good Morning Cyprus) Fred TV, January 13
Arts Today, interview with Barrie Kosky, ABC Radio National Dec 10
TV3, News, 29 February
TV3, News, 7 March
TVNZ, Holmes Show, 24 April
ATV Network News, 24 April
TV3, ICETV, 4 May
TV2 MAI TIME May 5, 1996, New Zealand
Transformers, Art Documentary New Zealand Film Commission, 1996
Rage, ABC TV, 3 February
Ewart Shaw, 5UV Adelaide, September
Good Morning Australia, 5 October
Vox Populi, SBS, March
Vox Populi, SBS, 20 October

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