Wim Delvoye
Wim Delvoye uses materials like wood, steel and glass alongside techniques such as enamelling, stained glass and tattooing, all of which require a form of hand craftsmanship. The transfiguration of an impersonal industrial object into a craft masterpiece allows the artist to contrast two apparently disparate sets of values without having to choose between them.
Born Wervik, 1965 lives and works in Ghent, Belgium
Wim Delvoye, Louvre, Paris (FR)
Wim Delvoye, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney (AUS)
Wim Delvoye, MONA, Hobart (AU)
Wim Delvoye: Rorschach, Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris. (FR)
Wim Delvoye, Patricia Low Gallery, Gstaad (CH)
Wim Delvoye, Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing (CN)
Wim Delvoye, MONA, Hobart (AU)
Wim Delvoye, Robilant + di Voena, London (UK)
Wim Delvoye: Dessins & Maquettes, MAMAC Nice (FR)
Wim Delvoye, Musée Rodin, Paris (FR)
Knocking on Heaven's Door, BOZAR, Brussels (BE)
Cloaca No 5, Galerie de l'UQAM, Montréal (CAN)
Wim Delvoye: Torre, Guggenheim Collection, Venice (IT)
Sex Rays, Galerie Guy Bartschi, Genève (CH)
Wim Delvoye, Ernst Museum (Mucsarnok Nkft), Budapest (HU)
Cloaca No 5, Glenbow Museum, Calgary (CAN)
Wim Delvoye, Diehl + Gallery One, Moscow (RU)
Wim Delvoye, Galerie Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels (BE)
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris
Cloaca Quattro, Xin Beijing Gallery, Beijing
Wim Delvoye: Cloaca 2000 - 2007, Casino Luxembourg, Luxemburg
Scale Models & Drawings, Alon Segev Gallery, Tel Aviv
Cloaca N° 5, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung (Taiwan)
Bronzes, de Pury & Luxembourg, Zürich
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Miami
Scale Models & Drawings, Sperone Westwater, New York
Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto
Cloaca - New & Improved, The Power Plant, Toronto
Oeuvres sur papier 1968 - 2004, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris
Musée d'Art Contemporain, Lyon
Gothic, Public Art Fund Project, New York
Fabrica, C-Arte, Prato
Vitraux, Galerie Obadia, Paris
“Cloaca - New and Improved”, New Museum, New York
Museum Kunst-Palast, Düsseldorf
Marble Floors, Sperone Westwater, New York
Porin Taidemuseo, Pori (Finland)
Sex Rays, Galerie Beaumont, Luxembourg
Gothic Works, Manchester City Art Galleries, Manchester
Gothic Works, Sperone Westwater, New York
Galerie Guy Bärtschi, Genève
Cloaca- New and Improved, Migros Museum, Zürich
“Cement Truck”, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna
“CLOACA”, MuHKA, Antwerp
Galleria Sperone, Rome
Galerie Ghislaine Hussenot, Paris
FRAC des Pays de la Loire, Nantes
Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp
Galerie Laura Pecci, Milan
Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen (Denmark)
11 Duke Street, London
Sonnabend Gallery, New York
Open Air Museum Middelheim, Antwerp
Galeria Luisa Strina, Sao Paulo (Brazil)
Galerie Ghislaine Hussenot, Paris
Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp
Galerie Ghislaine Hussenot, Paris
Galleria Sperone, Rome
Galleria Cardi, Milan
Anders Tornberg Gallery, Lund (Sweden)
Gallery Tanit, München
Musée Départemental de Rochechouart, Rochechouart, Limoges
Galerie Beaumont, Luxembourg
Center for the Arts, San Francisco, California
Modulo, Centro diffusor de Arte, Lisbon
Galleria Tucci Russo, Torino
Galerie Ghislaine Hussenot, Paris
Galerie Lehman, Lausanne
Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Nürnberg
Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp
Sonnabend Gallery, New York
Ruth Bloom Gallery, Los Angeles
Sonnabend Gallery, New York
Galerie Lehmann-Faust, Genève
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Castello di Rivoli, Rivoli, Torino
Jack Tilton Gallery, New York
Flemish Masters - that's life, Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York (USA)
Eating Art, Fundacio Caixa Catalunya, Barcelona (ES)
Skin, Fondation Claude Verdan, Lausanne (CH)
Super Organism - CAFAM Biennale, Beijing (CN)
Second Skin, Ma Galerie, Paris (FRANCE)
Sympathy for the Devil, Vanhaerents Art Collection, Brussels (BE)
From Picasso to Koons - the artists as jeweller, Museum of Art and Design, New York (USA)
Wunderkammer, Botanique, Brussels (BE)
Ecce Homo, Museum van Deinze & Leiestreek, Deinze (BE)
The State of Things. Contemporary Art of China & Belgium, Bozar Brussels (BE) & NAMOC, Beijing (CN)
Bilder vom Künstler, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt (DE)
Visceral Bodies, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver (CAN)
Exploded View, OAG, Toronto (CAN)
Skin, The Wellcome Collection, London (UK)
Hareng Saur: Ensor & Contemporary Art, SMAK, Ghent (BE)
Superabundant, Turner Contemporary Project Space, Kent (UK)
Mythologies, Haunch of Venison, London (UK)
The Endless Renaissance, Bass Museum of Art, Miami (USA)
Colossal - Kunst Fakt Fiktion, Kalkriese (DE)
Unconditional Love, Biennale di Venezia, Venice (IT)
Messiahs, MODEM, Debrecen (HU)
Sk-Interfaces, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg (LU)
3rd Moscow Biennial, Moscow (RU)
The State of Things, Bozar, Brussels (BE)
Poëtique du Chantier, Musée Château d'Annecy, Annecy (FR)
Animations/Fictions, MNAC, Bukarest (RO)
sk-Interfaces, FACT, Liverpool (UK)
CHANEL Mobile Art Container, Star Ferry Car Park, Central (Hong Kong)
Martian Museum of Terrestrial Art, Barbican Art Gallery, London (UK)
Ars Libris, The Cartin Collection
The Glass Experience, Museum of Science & Industry, Chicago (USA)
Comme des Bêtes, Musée des Beaux Arts, Lausanne (CH)
Joseph Aloïs Schumpeter, Oui, 56-58 bd. de l'Esplanade, Grenoble (FR)
Ad Absurdum, MARTa, Herford (DE)
Evolution : from Object to Man, Max Lang Gallery, New York (USA)
Umedalen Skulptur, Umedalen Skulpture Park, Umedalen (SE)
Dichter op de Huid, Fort Asperen, Asperen (NDL)
Less is less, more is more, that's all, CAPC Bordeaux, Bordeaux (France)
Close Up, The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh (UK)
Take me there, Show me the Way, Haunch of Venison, New York (USA)
Negatech, Espacio Fundacion Telefonica, Buenos Aires (AR)
Into Me/Out of Me, MACRO, Rome
The Aggression of Beauty II, Arndt & Partner, Berlin
Mining Glass, Museum of Glass, Washington
Intersezione III, Parco Archeologico di Scolacium, Catanzaro
I am as You will be, Cheim & Read, New York
Guesthouse 2007, Mudam Luxembourg
Fiction@Love, Moca Shanghai, Shanghai
Yellow Pages Artists, Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris
Birdspace, Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson (USA)
The Complex of Respect, Kunsthalle Bern
Close Up, Art Centre Silkeborg, Silkeborg (DK)
Glass: Material Matters, Los Angeles County Museum
The Originals: Neo-Esthetics of Animamix, Moca Shanghai (Shanghai)
Take a walk on the wild Side, de Pury & Luxembourg, Zürich
World Team - Artists of the Ball, Museum der Bildende Kunste, Leipzig
Nous nous sommes tant aimés, Collections de Saint-Cyprien, Saint-Cyprien (FR)
Reconstruction #1, Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe (UK)
Into Me/Out of Me, PS1, New York (USA)
Eldorado, Mudam, Luxemburg
Art'Fab, La Citadelle, Monaco
Reflections, Galerie Faurschou, Copenhagen (DK)
Envisage, Biennial de Shanghai, Shanghai
D'étonnants Détours, FNAC de Picardie, Amiens
Le Tableau transparent et le Diaphane, Musée national de Monaco, Monaco
Human Nature, SoFa Gallery, Bloomington (USA)
Bêtes de Style, Mudac, Lausanne (CH)
Diagnose [Kunst], Kunst-Museum Ahlen.
Into Me/Out of Me, Kunstwerke Berlin, Berlin
Panorama da Arte Brasileira, Marco, Vigo
Visionary Belgium, Bozar, Brussels
La Beauté de l'Enfer, Galerie Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels
Domicile, Musée d'Art Moderne, Saint-Etienne
L'Idiotie, Domaine Pommery, Reims
Burlesques Contemporains, Jeu de Paume, Paris
Die Obere Hälfte, Städtische Museen, Heilbronn
Big Bang, Centre Pompidou, Paris
Slow Art, MKP, Düsseldorf
Birdspace, McDonough Museum of Modern Art, Youngstown
Biennale d'Art Contemporain, Lyon
Ex 05.01.03103, Cartin Collection, Hartford
Connexions, Mamco, Genève
Convergence,798, Beijing
Two Asias/Two Europes, Duolun Museum, Shanghai
Panorama da Arte Brasileira, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro
Birdspace, Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
Because the Earth is 1/3 Dirt, CU Art Museum, Boulder
Settlements, Musée d'Art Moderne, Saint-Etienne
Making Visible, Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen
La Mort devant Soi, Galerie Guy Bartschi, Geneve
Birdspace, Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach
Giganten/Giants, Den Haag Sculptuur 2004, Den Haag
Lustwarande 2004, De Oude Warande, Tilburg
Continental Breakfast - 45th October Salon, Belgrade
Tatu - tattoo, Royal Museum, Brussel
Needful things: Recent Multiples, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland
Hors d'Oeuvres, CAPC Musée de Bordeaux, Bordeaux
O Estado das Cousas, Marco, Vigo
Birdspace, Hudson River Museum, Yonkers
Tongue in Cheek, CRAC Alsace, Altkirch
Qu'est-ce que la photo sculpture, Frac Limousin, Limoges
Granada de fondo, Centro José Guerrero, Granada
Muhka - A choice, Muhka, Antwerpen
No Canvas, Galleria Cardi, Milano
Extra, Swiss Institute, New York
The Disenchanted Mountain, Tour Fromage, Aosta
Beaufort 2003, Belgian coastline
Phantom of Desire, Neue Galerie, Graz
De Manessier à Wim Delvoye, Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art, Luxembourg
The Ideal City, Biennial of Valencia, Valencia
Jan Hoet presenteert: Delvoye - Hammons, Les Brigitinnes, Brussel
GNS, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
Scenery, Nuova Icona Gallery, Venice
Paradigma of Love, Palais Thurn & Taxis, Bregenz
Vanités Contemporaines, Musée d'Art Roger Quilliot, Clermont-Ferrand
Scatalogue, SAW Gallery, Ottawa
Models & Mavericks, Het Domein, Sittard
Panorama da Arte Brasileira 2003, Museu de Arte Moderna, Sao Paulo
Outlook 2003, Athens
Sense of Wonder,Herzliya Museum of Modern Art, Herzliya (Israël)
Melodrama, Artium, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain)
La Part de l'Autre, Carré d'Art Nîmes, Nîmes (France)
From Pop to Now, Tang Teaching Museum, New York
To Whom it may Concern, CCAC Wattis Institute, San Francisco
Busan Biennial, Busan, Korea
Melodrama, Palacio de los Condes de Gabia, Granada
Vidéo Topiques, Musée d'Art Moderne de Strasbourg, Strasbourg
Der Berg, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg
From Pop to Now, Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio
Give and Take, Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Eine Barocke Party, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna
The Overexcited Body, Palazzo dell' Arengario, Milan
Confidences, Casino Luxembourg, Luxemburg
The Silk Purse Project, Arnolfini, Bristol
Between Earth and Heaven, PMMK, Ostend
Sous les ponts …, Casino Luxembourg, Luxemburg
Irony, Fondaçion Mirò, Barcelona
Sonsbeek 9 - LocusFocus, Arnhem (the Netherlands)
Belgisch Atelier Belge, Dexia Gallery, Brussels
Un art populaire, Fondation Cartier pour l'Art contemporain, Paris
Ironia, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, San Sebastian
Marking the Territory, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin
Styx - Projektionen, Kunsthalle Trier, Trier
De Spiegel van het Verlangen, Broelmuseum, Kortrijk (Belgium)
Arte Y Embutidos, Galeria dMuseo, Caracas (Venezuela)
Sense of Wonder, Herzliya Museum of Art, Herzliya (Israël)
Over the Edges, SMAK, Ghent
Le fou dédouble, Chateau d'Orion, Orion (France)
Zeitwenden - ausblick, Künstlerhaus Wien, Vienna
Partages d' exotisme, 5th Biennale de Lyon, Lyon
Arte all' Arte, Arte Continua, San Gimignano.
American Bricolage, Sperone Westwater Gallery, New York
Visiones de Latinoamérica - No es sòlo lo que vas. Pervertiendo el minimalismo, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid
La Consolation, Centre National d'Art Contemporain de Grenoble, Grenoble (France)
De opening, SMAK, Ghent
L' Envers du Décor, Institut d' Art contemporain, Villeurbanne (France)
Ruralia, Porin Taidemuseo, Pori (Finland)
48th Biennale di Venezia, d' APERTutto, Venice
Zeitwenden - ausblick, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn
Animal, Musée Bourdelle, Paris
Dehors - dedans, Musée d'Art contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux
Spatiotemporal, Magasin 3 Konsthall, Stockholm
Cartographers, Mücsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest
Magritte en de Hedendaagse Kunst, PMMK, Ostend (Belgium)
Angeldust, Hallen, Bruges (Belgium)
Cartographers, Galerija Maribor, Maribor (Slovenia)
Voor het verdwijnt en daarna - Watou 1998, Watou (Belgium)
Patchwork in progress 3, MAMCO, Geneva
Cet été là , CRAC du Languedoc-Roussillon, Sète (France)
Kritische Elegantie, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle
L' Envers du Décor, Musée d'Art moderne Villeneuve d'Asq, Villeneuve d' Asq (France)
Baroque, The Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Aspects de l'art actuel en Belgique, FRAC Nord-pas de Calais, Dunkerque (France)
The Summer of 1998, Het Domein, Sittard (the Netherlands)
Kwangju Biennale, Kwangju, South-Korea.
Biennale de Cétignie, Cétignie, Montenegro
Cartographers, Galerije Grada Zagreba, Zagreb (Croatia)
… Objets? FRAC des Lorraine, Bourgogne, Alsace, Metz
Everything that's interesting is new / The Dakis Joannou Collection, Athens School of Fine Arts,
Sammlung Sonnabend. Von der Popart bis heute, Deichtorhallen, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg
Relaciones, Museo de Arte y Diseno Contemporaneo, San José (Costa Rica)
Interzones (Copenhagen 96), Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen
Under Capricorn (Art in the Age of Globalisation), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam / City Gallery, Wellington (New Zealand)
ARS 95, Nykytaiteen Museo, Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki
Issues of Empire, Guggenheim Gallery/Chapman University, Orange, California
Sculptur & Object, Galleri Wallner, Malmö
EV+A Invited, Limerick
Icastica, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Bologna
Opera Prima, Fuori Uso, Pescara; Flash Art Museum, Trevi and Cankarjev Dom Galerya, Ljubljana
Depois de Amanha / The Day after Tomorrow, Lisboa 94, Centro Cultural de Belèm, Lisboa
Cocido y Crudo, Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid
Post-Human, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg and The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Curios and Mirabilia, Chateau d'Orion, Orion (France)
Good News, Galleria Cardi, Milan
Documenta IX, Kassel
Selectie Belgische kunstenaars voor Documenta IX, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle (Belgium)
9th Biennial of Sydney, Sydney
Post-Human, FAE Musée d'Art Contemporain, Lausanne / Castelo di Rivoli, Rivoli / Deste Fondation, Athens
Kunst, Europa, Belgien, Niederlande, Luxemburg, Kunstverrein, Düsseldorf
Anni Novanta, Galleria Comunale d'Arte Moderna, Bologna / Musei Comunali, Rimini
Desplazamientos, Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas
Altrove, Museo di Arte Contemporanea, Prato
Blau, Farbe der Ferne, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg
Aperto, Biennale di Venezia, Venice
Artists (from Flanders), Palazzo Sagredo, Venice
Belgique, une nouvelle génération, FRAC de la Loire, Clisson
Confrontaciones, Museo Espanol de Arte Contemporaneo, Madrid
Kunstenaars van Vlaanderen, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Ghent
Confrontatie & Confrontaties, Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent
John Mcdonald, 'Foreign Exchange', SMH-Spectrum, February 18-19, pp.12-13
Matt Smith, “A Challenging Encounter with Modern Art”, The Mercury, December 10, 2011, pp.8-9
Katrina Strickland, `Gallery anything but pretty', The Weekend Australian Financial Review, 22-23 January 2011, p.10
Isabelle Loring Wallace, `Deep Shit: thoughts on Wim Delvoye's Cloaca Project', in: Contemporary Art and Classical Myth, 2011, pp.217-236
Luis Jacob (ed.), `Commerce by artists', Art Metropole, Toronto, 2011, pp. 350-356
Claude Lorrent, `Wim Delvoye: Knocking on Heaven's Door, BOZAR Brussels, 20 October, 2010- 23 January 2011, pp. 148-167
Alvaro De Benito, Wim Delvoye - The End of Anthropocentrism, Arte al limite, February 2010, pp. 54-63
Michel Onfray, `Michel Onfray on Wim Delvoye', in: Eldorado, Mudam Luxembourg, 2009.
`Interview with Belgian artist: Wim Delvoye', Oriental Art Finance, September, China, 2008, p 36-45.
Emily Stokes, `Belgian Gothic', Financial Times, Art Of Our Time, March 17, London, 2008, p. 20.
Nicolas Bourriaud, `Interview with Wim Delvoye', Bing, May-September 2007, p. 2-9.
Paul Laster, `Bringing Home The Bacon,' Art Asia Pacific, N° 55, September-October, 2007, New York, p. 154-159.
`Wim Delvoye in China', Xin Beijing Art Gallery, May 12 - May 26 2007, Beijing, China, 2007.
Timothy Close, Juli Cho Bailer, Mining Glass, Museum of Glass, Tacoma, Washington, 16 June 2007 - 3 February 2008, 2007, p. 1.
Gerardo Mosquero and Dan Cameron, `Conversations with artists series: Wim Delvoye', Cloaca, New Museum of Contemporary Art,25/01 - 28/04, New York, 2002.

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