24 February – 14 March 1987

Merilyn Fairskye, Conducting Bodies / She said then, "you love me?", 1987; oil, dry pigment, glass on canvas; tryptich; 91.5 x 274.5 cm

med was to.complain of her son. I tried to reassure he

ied the more anxious she became. At last I had to pu

because I had to go elsewhere. I was relieved by tl

ause first I noticed that all my efforts to reassure her v

secondly because I had something else to do. So I we

t floor. The place was in indescribable disorder and th

ng men standing on the other side of the street wait

ng out I wanted to put some order, particularly as in t

m was a table with all kinds of packets of medicame 

t moment I noticed an older man, whom I hadn't seen

a fauteuil in the corner. He got up and walked over to

acket of tablets as if to read the name of the medi

er astonished, he said tiens, tu m 'aimes? (you love

sence of this medicament on the table bear any relat

s? That phrase was enough to terrify me completely. l

asure go through my body and I said as if to correct

u lie). It was only when I awoke that I realized the to

se phrases and I made the  remark to myself that there

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