Kevin Connor, Looking out from the Studio (& the Camphorlaurel Tree Window), 1985-1986; oil on Belgian linen; 199 x 549 cm
About paintings number 1 and 7 in the catalogue ..... I would like to say that they represent a turning outward to a new vision for me and the possibility of optimism - "Two Comfortable Chairs and the Morning View" because of turning my easel from the 'painting wall' in the studio to the morning view and wanting to say "Look, life and this business of painting is not anything but simple. I'm looking at this wonderful view on this morning and my joy is to share it, not work with my back to it saying profound things about art"; the second painting, "Looking out from the Studio (and the Comphorlaurel Tree Window)" because life and painting should be as simple as that, but we make it always more difficult.
Kevin Connor
Julv, 1986
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