copper large, 2025
etched copper, cotton, tar and wax
120 x 90 cm
installation view; Kirtika Kain copper large, 2025; etched copper, cotton, tar and wax; 120 x 90 cm; enquire
installation view
Kirtika Kain copper large (detail), 2025; etched copper, cotton, tar and wax; 120 x 90 cm; enquire
Kirtika Kain copper large (detail), 2025; etched copper, cotton, tar and wax; 120 x 90 cm; enquire
Kirtika Kain copper large (detail), 2025; etched copper, cotton, tar and wax; 120 x 90 cm; enquire
Kirtika Kain copper large (detail), 2025; etched copper, cotton, tar and wax; 120 x 90 cm; enquire