These eyes will keep on singing out louder and louder that love is forever and infinite, to the ends of the universe.

— Yayoi Kusama

The numerous eyes that we dreamed about have spread into the whole sky, carrying with them a message of visual sensation.

 It is a message of world peace and the overflowing happiness of humankind we have been praying for all the time.

There is no end to the glorification of the peoples around the world.

Their beautiful souls, having turned into hundreds of millions of eyes, continue to watch our future.

These eyes will keep on singing out louder and louder that love is forever and infinite, to the ends of the universe.

— Yayoi Kusama (March 2010)

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Yayoi Kusama Eyes are Singing Out, 2012; Steel, Enamel; 90 metres length; enquire
Yayoi Kusama Eyes are Singing Out, 2012
Steel, Enamel
90 metres length