Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery is pleased to present Juxtapositions, an exhibition of paintings by Gareth Sansom. 

Exhibition Dates: 17 May – 8 June 2024

Gareth Sansom was born in November 1939, and although he was christened Gareth, he was, as far back as he can remember, called Gary, and most of his friends and family refer to him by this name.

His father, a journalist with the Melbourne Herald, hoped he would follow in his footsteps when, after leaving school in 1956, Sansom began working at The Herald as a copy boy. Much to his father’s horror, he resigned after one week and bought a set of oil paints with his first pay packet. After this, Sansom’s mother and father tried another approach by enrolling him in a primary teacher course at Melbourne Teachers’ College.

It was during 1957 and 1958, while completing his studies, that he began to visit art galleries and exhibitions in Melbourne. One of the first exhibitions he saw was Barry Humphries at The Victorian Artist Society Gallery – an exhibition that was to have a profound effect on his slowly forming ideas about art and what it could be.

Although Sansom was now teaching by day and painting at night, he had already discovered Francis Bacon (whom he eventually met in 1967) and British Pop Art via his part-time studies at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) with fellow students George Baldessin and Robert Jacks.

In 1959, then aged 19, Sansom began exhibiting at the Richman Gallery in Little Latrobe Street, Melbourne, with his exhibition there being opened by Arthur Boyd… (Jan Senbergs and Robert Rooney also had their first shows there.) Sansom could no longer be Gary, his mother told him, and from that point onwards when exhibiting he was Gareth Sansom.

By the time Sansom was 26, his works had been purchased by the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) and the National Collection (NGA), however, in a decision he still reflects upon, he continued to teach at all levels by day while maintaining an active painting practice at night. Some 33 years ago, Sansom resigned as the Dean of the School of Art at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) and at the age of 51, in essence, became a full-time artist.

Juxtapositions is Gareth Sansom’s 12th solo exhibition with Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery since presenting the gallery’s opening exhibition in 1982. 

In his 85th year, Sansom continues to grapple with his lifelong struggle with ideas and interpretations of abstraction and figuration, combining, fusing, opposing, and juxtaposing within paintings on linen, and mixed media on plywood.

Sansom no longer paints at night…

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Gareth Sansom Metropolis, 2024; oil and enamel on linen; 183 x 244 cm; more info; enquire
Metropolis, 2024
oil and enamel on linen
183 x 244 cm
Gareth Sansom Play me the Monolith Blues, 2024; oil and enamel on linen; 183 x 244 cm; more info; enquire
Play me the Monolith Blues, 2024
oil and enamel on linen
183 x 244 cm
Gareth Sansom Alphaville, 2024; oil and enamel on linen; 183 x 244 cm; more info; enquire
Alphaville, 2024
oil and enamel on linen
183 x 244 cm
Gareth Sansom Godzilla at Ascot Cinema, 1954, 2024; oil and enamel on linen; 183 x 244 cm; more info; enquire
Godzilla at Ascot Cinema, 1954, 2024
oil and enamel on linen
183 x 244 cm
Gareth Sansom Monument, 2013; oil and enamel on linen; 183 x 171 cm; more info; enquire
Monument, 2013
oil and enamel on linen
183 x 171 cm
Gareth Sansom Sentinel, 2024; oil and enamel on linen; 183 x 168 cm; more info; enquire
Sentinel, 2024
oil and enamel on linen
183 x 168 cm
Gareth Sansom Head and routes, 2001; oil and enamel on linen; 122 x 122 cm; more info; enquire
Head and routes, 2001
oil and enamel on linen
122 x 122 cm
Gareth Sansom Old man’s eyes, 2024; oil and enamel on linen; 122 x 122 cm; more info; enquire
Old man’s eyes, 2024
oil and enamel on linen
122 x 122 cm
Gareth Sansom Shards, 2024; oil and enamel on linen; 100 x 100 cm; more info; enquire
Shards, 2024
oil and enamel on linen
100 x 100 cm
Gareth Sansom Blast, 2024; oil and enamel on linen; 100 x 100 cm; more info; enquire
Blast, 2024
oil and enamel on linen
100 x 100 cm
Gareth Sansom Arabesque #2, 2024; oil and enamel on linen; 100 x 100 cm; more info; enquire
Arabesque #2, 2024
oil and enamel on linen
100 x 100 cm
Gareth Sansom Arabesque #1, 2024; oil and enamel on linen; 111.76 x 111.76 cm; more info; enquire
Arabesque #1, 2024
oil and enamel on linen
111.76 x 111.76 cm
Gareth Sansom Plaque, 2024; oil and enamel on linen; 100 x 100 cm; more info; enquire
Plaque, 2024
oil and enamel on linen
100 x 100 cm
Gareth Sansom We saw, 2024; mixed media on plywood; 120 x 80 cm; more info; enquire
We saw, 2024
mixed media on plywood
120 x 80 cm
Gareth Sansom Pussy liked William Burroughs, 2024; mixed media on plywood; 120 x 80 cm; more info; enquire
Pussy liked William Burroughs, 2024
mixed media on plywood
120 x 80 cm
Gareth Sansom The kiss, 2024; mixed media on plywood; 120 x 80 cm; more info; enquire
The kiss, 2024
mixed media on plywood
120 x 80 cm
Gareth Sansom JR HEADERS, 2024; mixed media on plywood; 80 x 60 cm; more info; enquire
mixed media on plywood
80 x 60 cm
Gareth Sansom Helen from MANDATE Club, 2024; mixed media on plywood; 80 x 60 cm; more info; enquire
Helen from MANDATE Club, 2024
mixed media on plywood
80 x 60 cm
Gareth Sansom Space Oddity, 2024; mixed media on plywood; 80 x 60 cm; more info; enquire
Space Oddity, 2024
mixed media on plywood
80 x 60 cm
Gareth Sansom Hand of fate, 2024; mixed media on plywood; 80 x 60 cm; more info; enquire
Hand of fate, 2024
mixed media on plywood
80 x 60 cm
Gareth Sansom Fear, 2024; mixed media on plywood; 80 x 60 cm; more info; enquire
Fear, 2024
mixed media on plywood
80 x 60 cm
Gareth Sansom Rocking Horse, 2024; mixed media on plywood; 80 x 60 cm; more info; enquire
Rocking Horse, 2024
mixed media on plywood
80 x 60 cm
Gareth Sansom Family Plot (detail), 2024; mixed media on plywood; 80 x 60 cm; more info; enquire
Family Plot (detail), 2024
mixed media on plywood
80 x 60 cm
Gareth Sansom Faith, 2024; mixed media on plywood; 80 x 60 cm; more info; enquire
Faith, 2024
mixed media on plywood
80 x 60 cm
Gareth Sansom Hidden faces, 2024; mixed media on plywood; 80 x 60 cm; more info; enquire
Hidden faces, 2024
mixed media on plywood
80 x 60 cm
Gareth Sansom Ghost, 2024; mixed media on plywood; 80 x 60 cm; more info; enquire
Ghost, 2024
mixed media on plywood
80 x 60 cm